Avatorous' book
: The first power
Dr. Newstead one of the original scientists investigating
the outbreak in Malton some time back worked diligently in an attempt to try to reverse the Out break and stop the problem
all together. Although his research wasn’t a complete success he did manage to create the modern nanite serum that we
use in our Necrotech Syringes. After the continued study of Dr. Newstead’s notes, I have finally created a summarization
of what he wasn’t able to piece together before having his lab ransacked and being killed himself.
What is a Zombie?
The Mitochondria is a part
of the cell that provides power for each one of them. And while it is part of every living creature they are actually Symbiates.
They are not part of the organism they inhabit but are living with in each of the host’s cells providing power for the
host. So a human may have over 4 billion mitochondria in their body all taking in nutrients and returning the favor by keeping
the cell alive. As the cell begins to wear out it send message to the Mitochondria that it needs to divide and create another
like it’s self. In a survival instinct the Mitochondria does just that also so the new cell will be able to have power
and so that the Mitochondria it’s self will have it’s strain live on.
From parent to child seamen cell
and fertilization the Mitochondria replicates it’s self over and over creating an exact copy. As such every living creature
on the planet has a similar strain of Mitochondria. Humans being one of the newest creatures have an almost identical strain
to one another.
The Mitochondria Disruption Virus also known as MDV lays dormant
in the bodies cells and causes a mutation to happen to the Mitochondria upon sudden termination of the cell. Forcing it to
release its stored energy almost at once so it may reproduce more of its strain with in it. In a most interesting phenomenon
it is enough to actually re animate the host corps. But in turn damaging the Mitochondria thru out the body and slowly killing
them. Here in lays the next problem. The virus now needing to continue to reproduce as it is a virus no longer has such a
build up of energy and will lay dormant but the body still needs energy to continue, and as such, since it’s own Mitochondria
are dieing and infected it searches for another source. And with that the heinous need to feed off living human flesh. The
new Mitochondria after they are eaten are also infected and repeat the process.
is necrotech?
Necrotech is the simple name for Necromantic Technologies.
Their program was simple in its design but not in execution. By using nanites (microscopic machines) they program them to
use the remaining energy in the host body and reconstruct the Mitochondrias to their proper state of being. They are injected
into the body with a syringe and will effectively re-kill the host using the reserve energies. This not only puts the body
down but also puts the virus in a state of suspended animation. Following thru with it’s programming it reconstructs
each of the billions of Mitochondria and repairs any damage done to the host before it starts them going. The host then is
able to stand up and seemingly alive and cured.
What really happened?
The host is revived…. But the MDV is still dormant. Upon next death the host will once again stand
back up and continue again in to the process it was before as a Zombie.
It is my belief that if we can perhaps
isolate multiple mutations and strains of the virus we can analyze them and program a new batch of nanites that would not
only raise the host but also kill the virus.
Operation: The First Power.
The group’s objectives:
1. Secure a powered down NT building and restore power to it. 2. Everyone needs to get a Dna analyzer for sample taking. 3. Retrieve a total of 40 samples 10 from each of the following groups. Their evolution and positioning
of the outbreak will give us the greatest cross section of not only types of the virus but also how it may have mutated. The
sample must be verified and the Target put to rest, as we are humanitarians as well as scientists and warriors. (Screen shots
of the samples being taken and kills posted.)
LUE Eastonwood Ferals Ridleybank
Reclamation Forces Feral Undead
4. Once accomplished
all members must return back to the NT Power it down to reset the equipment and then repower it again. 5. Each team will choose a sample carrier. The sample carriers must all meet in
the NT building. 6. Each member will manufacture
and validate 2 new syrings from the new batch. (screen shot required) And then head out with it and revive one individual.
A minium of 8 ppl in total must be revived.(Screen shot also required)
The where
about of the NT building, what team heads for what group or where the revives take place are up to the teams. But all the
evidence must be logged as this is for the scientific community and hopefully the salvation of Malton.
Good luck, -Avatorous DuMagnus PhD